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[eng] Visit of Kai and Berlin

First of all Kai came over to Leipzig on 19.07. and we hang out together... having a ton of fun ^^
like running outside just because it began to rain and all of us love summerrain xD
later we also went to a Korn-party ^^

on sunday I went to Berlin and stayed there 'til some days ago ^^
A lot of fun, a lot of chillin' and a lot of partying xD~
And Maria, Ana and myself had a lot of fun singing in front of a club we wanted to go into, but we had to kill the alc before xD
and best thing is, a lot of ppl recognized us and said we're good singers... Yay! =^.^=

  Ana and Tille on the way to a club called Magnet

 Ingo chillin' on the floor of his flat (the bubbles are real btw.)

And today I'm gonna go to the beach - Yeah!

1 comment(s):

aldasagg hat gesagt…

2008-08-02 06:58 pm UTC (Link)

hahaha...die nachwirkungen des bananenwodka gemischs...

wenn ich an die vids denke...*rofl*

un das meeting war geil! very very funny!!! *o*v

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♪ 1,58m klein
♪ verrückt
♪ neugierig
♪ liebt Asien
♪ teilt sich in Leipzig/ Germany zusammen mit ihrem Freund und ihren zwei Katzen Lillie und Haku eine Wohnung

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