today, my rat Yuko died ;_;
but I'm still kinda relieved cuz she's been really ill
her sister Yuna died already one year ago, so now they're at least together again in heaven
but I'm still kinda relieved cuz she's been really ill
her sister Yuna died already one year ago, so now they're at least together again in heaven
11 comment(s):
2008-02-10 11:06 pm UTC (Link)
sorry s much ;_;
ne.. at least now is going to rest and being with her sis ^^
2008-02-10 11:11 pm UTC (Link)
thank you *hugglz*
yeah, now they finally are able to meet again ^^
2008-02-10 11:12 pm UTC (Link)
^^ i am so sure that they are so happy now and so proud from you ^^
2008-02-10 11:33 pm UTC (Link)
das tut mir leid ;_; *hugz* ich liebe ratten u.u
2008-02-10 11:56 pm UTC (Link)
ja ich auch, sind tolle tiere und so drollig *_*
2008-02-10 11:38 pm UTC (Link)
2008-02-11 01:48 pm UTC (Link)
2008-02-10 11:47 pm UTC (Link)
;_; aber wenn sie schwer krank war ist es wohl besser so ._.
trotzdem nimmt es einen immer total mit *hug*
2008-02-11 01:50 pm UTC (Link)
tut mir auch leid fuer dich...*drueck*
hab sowas auch erst letztens erfahren muessn... T_T
2008-02-12 12:50 pm UTC (Link)
oh, was ist denn bei dir passiert?
2008-02-12 02:45 pm UTC (Link)
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