I finally found almost every TV series that I've been watching in Japan... that rocks, cuz I wanted to watch them so badly here in Germany.
First of all:
Kamen rider den-o!
I love it. It's just too cute <3 <3 <3
The main character, Ryouratou, is such an idiot *lol*
And the way he's talking, I've been laughing so hard all the time.
But the really cool thing about this series is, that he's keeping Imajin in his mind... well, hard to explain. And sometimes one of this imajin enters his body and then he's getting really cool.
But even the imajin are just dorks XD
Well, he needs the imajin to transform into a strong ranger. Every of the imajin has different powers. Momotarosu represents a dog (which is fire), Urataros represents a turtle (which is water) and Kintarosu is a bear (earth). Their personalities differ like their powers. I like Uratarosu the most cuz when he's entering Ryoutarous body he's very charming and knows how to use words (and Ryoutarou reminds me of miyavi then *-*)
I do so love this series *____________________*

normal Ryoutarou... shy and clumsy

Ryoutarou entered by Momotarosu (not transformed just entered)... Momo's arrogant and loves to fight every minute, everybody

entered by Uratarosu, very charming but always to get the best for himself

entered by Kintarosu, he's convinced that his power will bring tears, but not in the brutal way, just because of looking at it, so he's giving a hankerchief to everyone XD
Juken sentai gekiranger
Something like powerrangers again XD
but it's soo~ funny. The main character Jan is such a big big big dork, you just have to love him.
He grew up in the jungle and tigers were his family... he's always using weird words to describe things, like wakiwaki which means he's happy XD
Well, it really is like power rangers somehow, but it's funny and there's always something to laugh your ass off.


the three gekiranger XD
Well, there's just one more series left but I haven't found it yet. But I will, I will... somehow XD
Another series that I watched these days is Sh15uya (or Shibuya 15)
I just got curious because of the name *lol* I wanted to see if there are some places I remember.
But it turned out that (beside a lot of places I know) the story is really great... I really enjoyed watching this
It's some kind of futuristic drama. The kids (15 years old) are living in 'Shibuya'. There are three gangs. Palhands, Lovegen and Bunkamu. Well they're fighting each other and sometimes a kid gets 'branded' and PEACE is coming to kill the kid. Everytime PEACE arrives Ema will be there to fight PEACE.
Well since I don't want to spoil the story. I'm not mentioning what's about this PEACE and Ema.

Tsuyoshi, the story starts with him and he's the central thread through the story


DJ, leader of Bunkamu

Ryuugo, leader of Palhands

Asagi, leader of Lovegen
And there's an other point I just have to mention ^^
I fell in love with Maximum the hormone. I've been listening to them the first time in Japan. And since I've got the album I just can't get enough of them... really cool band ^^
That's it for now... nya ^^
I finally found almost every TV series that I've been watching in Japan... that rocks, cuz I wanted to watch them so badly here in Germany.
First of all:
Kamen rider den-o!
I love it. It's just too cute <3 <3 <3
The main character, Ryouratou, is such an idiot *lol*
And the way he's talking, I've been laughing so hard all the time.
But the really cool thing about this series is, that he's keeping Imajin in his mind... well, hard to explain. And sometimes one of this imajin enters his body and then he's getting really cool.
But even the imajin are just dorks XD
Well, he needs the imajin to transform into a strong ranger. Every of the imajin has different powers. Momotarosu represents a dog (which is fire), Urataros represents a turtle (which is water) and Kintarosu is a bear (earth). Their personalities differ like their powers. I like Uratarosu the most cuz when he's entering Ryoutarous body he's very charming and knows how to use words (and Ryoutarou reminds me of miyavi then *-*)
I do so love this series *____________________*

normal Ryoutarou... shy and clumsy

Ryoutarou entered by Momotarosu (not transformed just entered)... Momo's arrogant and loves to fight every minute, everybody

entered by Uratarosu, very charming but always to get the best for himself

entered by Kintarosu, he's convinced that his power will bring tears, but not in the brutal way, just because of looking at it, so he's giving a hankerchief to everyone XD
Juken sentai gekiranger
Something like powerrangers again XD
but it's soo~ funny. The main character Jan is such a big big big dork, you just have to love him.
He grew up in the jungle and tigers were his family... he's always using weird words to describe things, like wakiwaki which means he's happy XD
Well, it really is like power rangers somehow, but it's funny and there's always something to laugh your ass off.


the three gekiranger XD
Well, there's just one more series left but I haven't found it yet. But I will, I will... somehow XD
Another series that I watched these days is Sh15uya (or Shibuya 15)
I just got curious because of the name *lol* I wanted to see if there are some places I remember.
But it turned out that (beside a lot of places I know) the story is really great... I really enjoyed watching this
It's some kind of futuristic drama. The kids (15 years old) are living in 'Shibuya'. There are three gangs. Palhands, Lovegen and Bunkamu. Well they're fighting each other and sometimes a kid gets 'branded' and PEACE is coming to kill the kid. Everytime PEACE arrives Ema will be there to fight PEACE.
Well since I don't want to spoil the story. I'm not mentioning what's about this PEACE and Ema.

Tsuyoshi, the story starts with him and he's the central thread through the story


DJ, leader of Bunkamu

Ryuugo, leader of Palhands

Asagi, leader of Lovegen
And there's an other point I just have to mention ^^
I fell in love with Maximum the hormone. I've been listening to them the first time in Japan. And since I've got the album I just can't get enough of them... really cool band ^^
That's it for now... nya ^^
13 comment(s):
2007-04-19 10:54 pm UTC (Link)
wow.. power ranger serien sind in xD wenigstens sind diese origineller und die männer sind schöner *ggg* und amüsanter ^^
und.. dj *.* den will ich <3 *teenie-modus* dann könnten wir synchron-loli-lutschen xD (wie evil...)
2007-04-19 10:57 pm UTC (Link)
synchron loli-lutschen, da fällt mir spontan ein lied ein... welcome to the candy shop I'll let you lick my lolipop dum di duhu~~
aber DJ rockt doch mal die Serie... er und sein loli XD irgendwie süß... warum mag ich immer typen mit komischen macken? oO
Ryoutaou isn Weichei, Jan is total bekloppt und DJ hat nichts anderes als loli lutschen im Kopf XD~~
2007-04-20 01:18 am UTC (Link)
yay kamen rider
je älter, desto unerträglicher is die serie xD
ich hab shi15ya geschaut
merkwürdige serie ^^;;
kannst du hier downloaden, wenn die links noch gehen
2007-04-20 02:25 am UTC (Link)
*lol* ich mag die neue Staffel XD da hat man wenigstens was zu lachen, sonst steh ich ja auch nicht so auf son powerranger-gedenk-scheiß aber die serien sind so lustig die muss man sich einfach anschauen.
Sh15uya hab ich doch schon gesehen XD
hab ich doch geschrieben... hab die files auch auf meinem Rechner sonst hätte ich die screenshots gar nicht machen können ^^
2007-04-20 07:22 am UTC (Link)
haha lesen müsste man können ^^;
2007-04-20 03:30 pm UTC (Link)
mach dir nichts draus, ich kenn das auch *knuff*
2007-04-20 01:52 pm UTC (Link)
ui nette screenshots ^^ würd ich auch gerne mal sehen die serien.. aba da ich eh nix verstehen würde xDD *drop*
oh! Maximum the hormone.. da hab ich doch auch noch ein album irgendwo aufm pc xDD sollte ich mir dann vielleicht doch mal anhören wenn du sagst das die gut sind. (jaja hauptsache alles erstmal laden und irgendwann mal hören xD)
2007-04-20 03:32 pm UTC (Link)
also kamen rider den-o und sh15uya gibts bei jdramas... die sind auch gesubbt ^^
wenns das neue album ist kann ichs nur empfehlen... ist zwar am anfang etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig und es ist richtiger rock XD aber ich fand die band schon in japan nach mehrmaligem hören von ein paar liedern sehr geil, man muss sich erstmal reinhören ^^
2007-04-20 06:55 pm UTC (Link)
oh dann würd ich ja doch was verstehen xD das klingt verlockend x3
also ich hab ein album das heist "A.S.A. Crew" scheint aba schon älter zu sein.. kA habs einfach mal geladen gehabt und nie gehört xD aber werd ich demnächst mal machen.
übrings wollt ich nur schnell erwähnen das ich deine letzten entrys hier auch immer gelesen hab.. nur zu faul bin kommis zu schreiben xD *lol*
die puris die ihr in japan gemacht habt sind super süß ;_;~
2007-04-20 11:52 pm UTC (Link)
"A.S.A. Crew" is noch sehr...hm stark gewöhnungsbedürftig...XDDD is auch ihr erstes album un da waren sie noch nicht so gut wie heute...*_*
besonders wenn man daisuke hört...er klingt da manchma echt wie ne hysterisch schreiende frau..*lol*
2007-04-21 02:31 pm UTC (Link)
xD aha danke ^^ haha gewöhnungsbedürftig beschreibt es gut.. x3
ano bin zu faul selbst danach zu gucken wie heist den das aktuelle album?
2007-04-23 03:11 pm UTC (Link)
das aktuelle heißt "butsu iki kaesu".
absolut empfehlenswert! :D
2007-04-23 03:18 pm UTC (Link)
werd ich mal im inet danach ausschau halten ^^
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