This was pure fun xD
I love Wacken Open Air a lot, it's just the best rock/metal festival!
And the weather has been fine, too.
I've got really suntanned xD
This year we managed it to get "backstage" bracelets, so we were able to party in the V.I.P. area... but we couldn't go to the artists area >.<
but since there's nothing in the artist area except of something to sit down and talk most of the artists have been in the V.I.P. area where they could buy something to eat and more important to drink xD
and there's been something like a hot bathtub where you could take a bath in the middle of hundreds of people xDDD I've been too shy to get in there, when there are so many people around, though I've been itching to do it...
don't ask me how many celebrities I've seen there... I didn't even know how the most members of all those bands look like ^^°
thursday I saw Letzte Instanz backstage. later that evening the drummer and the guitarist passed me and sang "letzte instanz are homosexual" xDDDDDD
and about 3o'clock in the morning - we've been talking with a security guard who's been really cool - the drummer came again to ask how to get to the W.E.T. stage because there's been karaoke. We said he has to go the long way because the stage area was closed already. then he looked at me and said: Did you interview me?
I was like: oO wtf?!
but just said: No, but we could pretend... xD
we talked a little bit longer and he was so funny... and nicely said, a little drunk xD
and the bright-eyes crew (which is an online magazine). That's been kinda cool cause metalhammer had several interviews with bands there, so we could see a lot of them there and those guys from bright-eyes have been very nice... the first time we met, we talked about two minutes and then got cold beer xD
thursday we went to see the letzte instanz concert but there've been so many people that I had no change to see something, but since we heard the music it wasnT' all that bad. after letzte instanz played electric eel shock and we managed it to get in the first row. The nice guy from bright-eyes even took some photos of us, rocking to E.E.S. They've been so awesomely freaking good... I had a lot of fun seeing them. Unfortunately they didn't show in the backstage area >.<
I wanted to talk to them...
f***ing shy japanese people >.< xDD
on friday a woman (a photographer) parked beside us and she's been very strange xD She lost the covering of her camera lense and talked to Nagi, if he saw it and something. Nagi turned around to me and said: her corsette is kinda weird, her tits are almost falling out all the time. I've got curious and took a look and then she discovered me and was all like: awwwwww you are so cute (notice: I just woke up, my hair was all messy and my make-up just the remains of the day before xDDD)
Then I got myself fixed and she asked me if I could help her closing her corsette. I had no problem with it and did it... and she was like: You're getting cuter every minute
I was like: oO;;;; what is so cute about me? oO
Everytime we saw her she told me how cute and pretty I am xDDD
weird canadian woman xDD
friday we saw J.B.O. and a little bit of blind guardian... J.B.O. are sooo~ cool... and so funny... awesome guys... I had a lot of fun... we saw them later giving an interview at the metalhammer area xD
Since we were able to hear all the acts on the main stages we've been kinda lazy and didn't saw them all but heard them ^^
saturday we wanted to see Dir en grey (I was hoping they would be better than the last time I saw them) and in flames... we also wanted to see subway to sally but we've been too lazy xD
Dir en grey really surprised me... I thought they couldn't get me back to their music but they played a lot old songe that I love so I liked the concert very much. Maybe they can relight my fire for them xD
Dir en grey really surprised me... I thought they couldn't get me back to their music but they played a lot old songe that I love so I liked the concert very much. Maybe they can relight my fire for them xD
and Kyo looked very good *__* though I hate it that he started cutting himself on stage again >.< and Toshiya has straight hair again - very good, didn't like the curls, Shinya and Kaoru looked like all the time xD and Die has brighter hair now, it's some kind of blonde/light brown... going to become a gyaruo? xD
Die passed us in the "morning" because he had a short meeting with metalhammer... and he scrounged a cigarette xD
later the evening I also saw Shinya sitting all alone in the V.I.P. area, but we've been in a rush so I didn't talk to him... and I felt kinda weird just going over to him and babble some stuff around >.<
In flames have been great, too it was fun seeing them.. their show is awesome they ended the concert with some fireworks... very beautiful ^^
and I found 20 euro so I could buy a top for me xD and I like it very much xD
all in all Wacken has been awesome ^^
(though I couldn't talk to Dir en grey or Electric eel shock)
2 comment(s):
2007-08-08 09:11 pm UTC (Link)
... das klingt alles sehr geil *___* *neid* ihr hättet hier vorbeikommen können XD wacken ist doch gleich um die ecke (ich wohn ja in der nähe von bremen |D)
2007-08-09 07:42 am UTC (Link)
Ihr habts gut... '___';
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