haha I've just been bored and took some piccus some minutes ago xD
P.S.: and sorry to those who want to see the mini manga (strip) it'll take some time, cuz it's actually finished but I would like to draw two panels again, I don't like them at all... so please wait *bows*
10 comment(s):
2007-10-27 08:15 pm UTC (Link)
cute ^_^
2007-10-27 08:19 pm UTC (Link)
thanx ^//^ *hugs*
2007-10-27 08:22 pm UTC (Link)
*huggs back*
you look so cute in pics
neee.. i always look bad in them >.<"
2007-10-27 08:43 pm UTC (Link)
*laughs* you don't want to know how many pics look like crap xD
*thinks* have I ever seen a pic of you? Did you upload some lately?
2007-10-27 08:46 pm UTC (Link)
mmm... no XDDDD
but i will upload one from this halloween cause i am going to do cosplay :3
2007-10-27 08:48 pm UTC (Link)
aww cool, my friends and me will also style up for it, though it won't be any cosplay
but I'm looking forward to see the pix ^^
2007-10-28 07:16 pm UTC (Link)
ich finds auch süüß, vor allem das erste, das große und das letzte *____*
bei den vorletzten dacht ich zuerst das sind deine haare, derweile sind das die puschel deiner kaputze xDDD;;; wär auch geschockt wenn du auf einmal so n look hättest xD;
aber ich seh schon, gut vorbereitet für den winter ^.^
2007-10-28 07:19 pm UTC (Link)
*looool* ne ich glaub so ne frisur muss ich mri nicht antun xD... obwohl ich dann mein tolles sasuke cos machen könnte *totlach* xD
2007-10-29 02:37 am UTC (Link)
schöne bilder!*_* sin alle gut aber mir gefällt das 1. am meisten.*_*
2007-10-31 09:48 pm UTC (Link)
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